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Where would you like to see a Bike Share drop off location?
Where would you like to see a Bike Share drop off location?
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The City of Lincoln, UNL students and administration, and community leaders have begun discussions about bike share systems and what that could mean for our community. Over the past 6 months, excitement has grown, with the Journal Star highlighting student led efforts in late April, and demonstrating support for continued discussions in their May 1st editorial.

Bike sharing has grown tremendously in the past few years, with systems opening in most of the nation's large to medium sized cities, including Omaha. Many communities view these systems as contemporary urban amenities that play a crucial role in both attracting young professional residents and encouraging economic growth through improved tourist access to businesses and attractions. They also can strengthen a city's public transportation system and encourage healthy lifestyles through active commuting.

There will be a Public Meeting on Thursday, September 18th from 5-6 PM in the City Council Chambers. Kären Haley, Executive Director at Indianapolis Cultural Trail, will present background information on Bike Share programs and be available to answer questions. Please feel free to attend and learn about Bike Share!

The City of Lincoln is asking for community input on their thoughts of how a Bike Share program might work in Lincoln. Please select locations on Bike Share Map to help provide information on where you feel Bike Share stations may be beneficial for the community. Feel free to add your comments and provide additional input on other location selections.

If you have any questions, please direct them to Kellee Van Bruggen by email kvanbruggen@lincoln.ne.gov or by phone (402) 441-6363.

If you haven't already, please take the Bike Share Survey.

More Info:
Bike Share Survey

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer